HIV 500 is the required four hour training prerequisite for HIV 501 client-centered counseling, testing, and partner services training. The HIV 500 course provides specific information related to HIV history, origination, transmission modes, disease progression, testing types/options, prevention, universal precautions, laws, and statistics to prepare participants to become HIV pre and post test counselors. HIV 501 counseling, testing, and partner services training is a two and one-half day (2 1/2) session. This training provides a greater understanding of HIV/AIDS, testing protocols; HIV relevance to domestic violence; and enhancement in client-centered risk reduction counseling skills for individuals providing services in the public and private sector. HIV 501 Update is an annual two hour class that includes updates on forms, processes, legislation, programs, statistics, and is required of all HIV pre and post test counselors. Register for the HIV 500/501 counselor training (Area 4, Florida Department of Health) 500/501 Training Schedule
To register for the HIV 500/501 training classes, contact, |